APIOps manifesto v1

  • APIOps Values - APIOps values are effectively captured in the Agile Manifesto. APIOps extends the "People over Process over Tools," and urges API developer + system operator + 3rd party service developer collaboration.
  • APIOps Principles - APIOps at the conceptual level is based on Agile's and DevOps principles to focus on effective collaborative design, development and maintenance of APIs to enable extremely fast and flexible service design and development.
  • APIOps Methods - You can use Scrum with operations, Kanban with operations, etc. Provide methods to collaboratively design APIs for service development utilizing the principles of design first approach.
  • APIOps Practices - Provide low barrier access to reliable APIs, documentation supporting usage, sandboxes to test and build on top of, generated libraries and code examples for service developers.
  • APIOps Tools - Tools you'd use in the commission of these principles. In the APIOps world there's a lot of emerging tools and evolving standards in provisioning (docker, vagrant), design (RAML, API Blueprint, Swagger), API server code generation (Drakov ), generating OS specific libraries (APIMATIC ), managing APIs (apinf.com, 3scale.com,) and many more.

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